
An Ode to a Wooden Beam

There once was a wooden beam in Edinburgh that switched my lights out. Yes, that’s right, folks I’ve had severe concussion since the beginning of August after I, over-excitedly, jumped up and smacked my head on a low beam in the author’s yurt at the Edinburgh Book Festival (no hard man rugby-playing injury for me…I [...]

Who is Ranger Ted?

He was born in the hot, desert wilderness of the Grand Canyon. Abandoned by his parents, he wandered, alone, lost, destitute across the orange-yellow rocks of the canyon's one-mile deep floor. Kicking up dust-spray from his dried feet, he walked for days, months, years. He truly had become a hobo bear; he had no clue [...]

Jekyll or Hyde: writing children’s middle-grade or young adult fiction?

Just recently I've been changing. Not in the visiting-the-swimming-pool-so-I'm-getting-into-my-trunks changing, more the Jekyll and Hyde sense. Yes, that's right, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Probably admitting such a thing at this point in the blog might lead you to imagine dark hospital wards, a padded cell, me drooling angrily over my laptop, throwing test tubes [...]