Heritage/Art Management

Previously, I ran an exciting community art and heritage project in Bideford, North Devon. Called Way of the Wharves, it was about creating renewed knowledge and pride in the maritime history of the old East-the-Water wharves that were used by Napoleon during the 1800s.

Myself and a dedicated group of volunteers organised events, art workshops, education programmes, recordings of oral histories, designed tourist information panels, did guided walks, and researched stories of how people lived and worked around the quayside and port of Bideford.


Once an important, strategic port for worldwide trade and ship building, Bideford’s rich heritage and tidal estuary lends itself to be regenerated for generations who know nothing about this.

I love doing work that helps motivate people to come together to build a better and more positive community environment.

I’m now a Trustee of the scheme, and you can follow what the Way of the Wharves team are up to on our Facebook page.